About the VNT
The VNT in Taiwan stands for “Association of Dutch Speakers in Taiwan”, which essentially had the same goals the VNT has today.
Over the years, however, the branding of the VNT became more that of a Dutch Club than the broader Society it was originally intended to be. It was not that obvious for Belgians and others that the VNT was supposed to be their home base too.
Our members are Dutch and Flemish speakers, as well as those who speak a language derived from this (such as, for example, Afrikaans) and those who have a demonstrable interest in these languages and the associated cultures or who were, are or will be living in any of the nations where these languages are spoken.
The VNT therefore works closely with both the Dutch and the Belgian Trade Office in Taiwan. The VNT also works closely with the Dutch School in Taiwan and the Dutch / Belgian business community in Taiwan.