Code of Conduct VNT
1 General Rules of Conduct
- Respect & Safety: within the association all members and visitors should treat each other with respect. This also includes creating a safe climate, where everyone feels at home and safe..
- Openness & Accessibility: the VNT wants to be an association that is accessible to a wide group of people. By positively addressing each other and providing feedback, we maintain a pleasant atmosphere.
- Minors: Minors are welcome at VNT Events accompanied by at least one of their parents or a Guardian appointed by their parents..
- Responsibility Parents / Guardian: Parents are at all times fully responsible and accountable for their minor children in a VNT Activity.
- Dealing with minors: Members shall at no time interact with minors in a manner that they may expect or that the parents or guardian indicate is undesirable.
- Cross-border Behavior: If Members identify behavior that is not in accordance with these rules of conduct and when there is suspicion of unacceptable behavior, they are obliged to report this to the Board
- Doubt: In those cases where the code of conduct is not (directly), or in case of doubt about the permissibility of certain behaviors, it is within the responsibility of members to act in the spirit of the code of conduct and, if necessary, to contact the Board about this
2 Complaints procedure
- Discuss: Many complaints can be prevented by discussing them with each other. If, for reasons of your own, you do not appreciate certain behavior, please clearly report it to the member or members who engage in this behavior. There may be a misunderstanding. If the behavior does not change and / or occurs again later, there is a ground for a complaint.
- A Complaint: Only valid complaints can be handled by the Board. A valid complaint is a complaint about an event in which you yourself were involved and / or have evidence of it.
- Submitting a Complaint: A complaint must be made in writing within 6 weeks after an event be submitted.
- Complaint on behalf of third parties: You can only submit a complaint on behalf of a third party if evidence is provided and / or on whose behalf it is known. Otherwise, the complaint will be considered unfounded. Complaints made more than 6 weeks after the event are also considered unfounded.
- Unfounded complaint: Filing an unfounded complaint may lead to sanctions for the party making the complaint.
- Handling: The Board will deal with a submitted complaint immediately and will reach a decision within 4 weeks.
- Filing complaints: Complaints are kept by the Board for 2 years and then destroyed.