Rules & Regulations VNT (HRV)
1 Definitions
- HRV: VNT Rules & Regulations
- Board: the Board of the Association;
- Director: a director, member of the Board of the Association;
- Member (s): everyone who is a member of the Association, and when it comes to voting, the member (s) refers to members that are entitled to vote
- Quorum: the minimum number of Ordinary Members who must be present for a valid vote
- Year: 12-month period, starting on January 1 and ending December 31
- Minor: Persons under the age of 18
2 Members
- Ordinary Members:
- Are entitled to vote in the GMM
- Can request an GMM
- Must be resident in Taiwan
- Are 18 years of age or older
- Youth members:
- Are 12-17 years old
- Are only welcome at VNT Events accompanied by at least one Parent / Guardian who is an Ordinary Member
- Are always the responsibility of the Parent / Guardian as described in 2
- Do not have the right to vote in the GMM
- Honorary members:
- Are expected to support the importance of VNT and its objectives with their knowledge and experience
- On request can act as mediator in conflicts within the Association
- Are nominated by the Board and / or Full Members because of their special efforts and / or their commitment to the VNT has led to exceptionally positive results
- Are exempt from membership fees
- Do not have the right to vote in the GMM unless they meet criteria as described under 2.1.3 and 2.1.4
- Alumni Members:
- Are living outside of Taiwan
- Do not have the right to vote in the GMM
- Temporary or Student Members:
- Live in Taiwan for less than 9 months
- Do not have the right to vote in the GMM
3 The Board
- The VNT is managed by a Board which consists at least of the chairman, the secretary and the treasurer. Aside of these 3 functions a maximum of 3 other Ordinary members can become Board member
4 Election of the Board and terms
- The Board is elected by the members of the association during a General Members Meeting (GMM) to be held before November 30 of each association year and will take office on December 1, immediately following their election
- The Board will announce the names of the candidates for the various Board positions in writing by email, no later than one month before the day of the GMM in which the election is on the agenda
- From that announcement, the members of the association have the right to nominate opposing candidates for fourteen days; the names of the opposing candidates must be submitted in writing to the secretary
- For a Board position the candidate is elected who receives the most votes during the GMM in which the election is on the order
- In the event of an interim vacancy on the Board, it will be filled as soon as possible during an GMM The provisions of paragraph b will then apply mutatis mutandis
- In the event of a vacancy of a director who has already been elected but has not yet taken up his position, the provisions of paragraph b shall apply mutatis mutandis
- The members of the association will be informed at least 21 days in advance of the holding of an GMM, as referred to above in this article. The same applies to a GMM, in which a proposal to dismiss a director is on the agenda
- The term of office of the Board is one (1) year and can always be extended by the same period
5 Duties of the Board Members
- Chairman
- Managing and supervising VNT.
- Ensuring compliance with the statutes and the regulations of the VNT
- Leading the general members meeting (GMM) and the periodic board meetings.
- Responsible for a solid organizational structure.
- Determines the association policy in consultation with other board members and committees.
- Receive periodic information reports from the other board members.
- Official spokesperson for the association.
- Primary contact person for external parties.
- In consultation with the secretary, provide information from the board to the club media.
- Secretary
- Act as the association’s postal address and ensure forwarding of the association post to the persons for whom this post is intended.
- Handling incoming documents.
- Conduct the daily correspondence and communications of the association and provide regular reports of this for the other board members.
- Taking care of the agenda and meeting documents for the general meeting and periodic board meetings.
- Taking minutes of meetings at board meetings and GMM, and sharing these with the Chairman within 7 days after a meeting.
- Sign, send and keep a copy of documents on behalf of the board.
- Maintaining the association archive and managing official documents such as contract documents, deed of incorporation, articles of association and internal regulations.
- Create report on the past association year for the GMM.
- Take note of the regulations of the VNT and the government regulations and other provisions.
- Taking care of information from the board to the various club media
- Treasurer
- Managing the association’s funds.
- Taking care of the collection of the contributions and other income of the association.
- Taking care of the administration of all income and expenses of the association.
- Providing regular financial reports to the board, and within 7 days of each event.
- Taking care of any reserves in accordance with the agreements and decisions of the board.
- Commissioner Sponsoring & Events
- Create Events calendar
- Preparation for Events
- Promotion Events in collaboration withthe Secretary
- Implementation of Events
- Budgeting Events in collaboration withthe Treasurer
- Evaluate Events with board
- Lead Event Team.
- Member of the Board
- Where necessary, a member of the Board supports the other Board members and performs tasks to be agreed upon.
6 GMM and Board Meetings
- The annual GMM as referred to in Article 5 Paragraph a of this HRV is held annually before December 1 of the year
- Members can also request an GMM through the Board, with a minimum of 20 people, in accordance with the Statutes of the VNT Taiwan
- The Board will meet at least once every 6 weeks.
- Unless otherwise provided in the articles of association or these internal regulations, decisions of the members of the association, of the Board and of committees are taken during an GMM or meeting of the Board or the relevant committee by a simple majority of the votes those present.
- A simple majority of the members of the Board or a committee constitutes the quorum required for the validity of decisions to be taken at a meeting of the Board or a committee. The quorum for decisions of the association is at least one third of the number of VNT members, unless otherwise specified in the statutes of the VNT Taiwan.
- Items for the agenda of either GMM or board meetings should be delivered to the Secretary, who will then provide these to the Chairman. The Chairman will then set the agenda.
- Any information for discussion by the board should be delivered to the Secretary, who will then provide this information to the Chairman. The Chairman will then decide how and when the information will be shared with the board.
- The item “Any other issues” provides for (board)members to ask the Chairman about agenda items and/or information the Chairman did not share or add to the agenda.
7 Method of Voting
- Votes during an GMM or Board meeting take place orally. However, a vote on persons is taken in writing if the majority of those present so request or – if it concerns an GMM – the Board decides to do so.
- A GMM may also take place digitally, whereby the written vote may take place via email
8 Committees
- Various committees may exist within the VNT, for example a coffee committee or a sports committee that has been set up by members to support club activities
- A committee is recognized by the Board as such when the organized activity will take place structurally, at least four times a year
- A committee can request the Board for a financial contribution from the association fund
- The duration and amount of this financial contribution for a committee to support the organization of structural activities are determined by the Board
- A committee operates under the responsibility of a designated member of the Board
- In connection with the (financial) interests for the VNT, the sponsoring committee in particular is explicitly requested to report regularly to the chairman of the Board
- With the exception of a special authorization from the Board, the committees do not implement any plans until such plans have been submitted to the Board and approved by the Board
9 Financial
- At the beginning of each association year (running from January 1 to December 31), the Board draws up a budget of the likely income and expenditure during that year. This budget requires the approval of the members of the association. A budgeted expenditure may only be exceeded if the budget has been changed with the approval of the members of the association
- The members of the association will be notified at least twenty-one (21) days in advance of the holding of an GMM, in which the budget or an amendment thereof is on the agenda
- During the annual GMM, which is held in November, the Board issues an annual report on the state of affairs in the association and on the policy pursued
- During that GMM, the Board submits the balance sheet at the end of the past association year and the statement of income and expenditure for that financial year (the annual accounts) to the members of the association for approval, together with the written report of the committee referred to below. The annual accounts are signed by all directors; if the signature of one or more of them is missing, this will be stated together with the reasons
- The Board appoints a financial committee as referred to in Article 11 of the articles of association, consisting of at least two members. This committee examines the annual accounts and reports to the members of the association on its findings during the GMM, referred to in the first sentence of this paragraph
- Approval of the annual accounts by the members of the association will discharge the Board from liability for the past association year unless a reservation is made by the members
10 Proposals for Decisions
- Proposals for decisions by which the association will be bound will not be considered during a GMM before the Board has examined them
- Proposals that are submitted during an GMM and on which the Board has not been able to deliberate in advance, will be referred to the Board without any deliberation by the members.
- After deliberation, the Board will present the relevant proposal, together with its advice, to the members
11 Agenda for a GMM
- The agenda of an GMM may be composed as follows:
- Opening;
- Greeting guests;
- Incoming documents and announcements;
- Any reports from committees;
- Unfinished business
- New business;
- Any other business
- Closure
- The Board may decide to deviate from the agenda referred to under 11.a of the HRV
12 General Rules of Conduct
- Respect & Safety: within the association, all members and visitors are required to treat each other respectfully. This also includes creating an environment, where everyone feels safe and secure.
- Open and accessible: The VNT wants to appeal to a broad range of people. By engaging with one another in a positive manner and provide feedback, we can create a pleasant ambiance.
- Minors: Minors are welcome at VNT Events under the supervision of at least one of their parents or a guardian appointed by their parents.
- Responsibility Parents / Guardian: Parents/Guardians are always fully responsible and liable for their minor children at a VNT Activity
- Dealing with Minors: Members will at no time interact with minors in a way they may expect parents could find undesirable or whose parents or guardian make clear that it is undesirable.
- Unacceptable behavior: When a Member notices behavior that is not in accordance with these rules of conduct and suspects unacceptable behavior, the Member is obliged to report this to the Board immediately.
- Doubt: In cases where the code of conduct does not (immediately) provide, or in case of doubt about the permissibility of certain behaviors, it is the responsibility of members to act in the spirit of the rules of conduct and to inform the Board immediately if necessary
13 Complaint Procedure
- Discuss: Many complaints can be prevented by discussing them among themselves If, for reasons of his or her own, a member does not appreciate certain behavior, the member should please clearly report it to the member or members who engage in this behavior. There may be a misunderstanding. If the behavior does not change and / or occurs again later, there is a ground for a complaint.
- A Complaint: Only complaints determined by the Board to have merit, will be handled by the Board. A complaint with merit is a complaint about an event in which you yourself were involved and / or have evidence of.
- Registering a Complaint: A complaint must be submitted in writing within 6 weeks after an event.
- Complaint on behalf of third parties: You can only submit a complaint on behalf of a third party if evidence is provided and / or the person on whose behalf a complaint is made, is known to the Board. Otherwise, the complaint will be considered without merit. Complaints submitted more than 6 weeks after the event are also considered without merit.
- Complaint without merit: Submitting a complaint without merit may lead to sanctions for the party submitting the complaint.
- Process: The Board will deal with a submitted complaint immediately and reach a decision within 4 weeks
- Complaint Archiving: Complaints are kept by the Board for 2 years and then destroyed.
14 Liability
- Participants in any activity of the VNT are personally fully responsible and liable for all damage and consequences thereof, which they, or persons under their supervision, cause during these activities.
15. Changes
- This HRV can be changed by the members during an GMM with a majority of at least two / thirds of the votes of the members present, provided that the majority of the members is present, and all members are in writing at least ten days before that GMM proposed amendment, stating that the proposed amendment will be discussed at that meeting.
- Any amendment to these regulations, as a result of which the regulations conflict with the articles of association, is null and void.