VNT Invitation to Kingsday 29th April
Posted On April 1, 2023
Dear VNT members and friends,
where King Willem-Alexander took his family to Maastricht last year to celebrate his birthday, he is visiting Rotterdam this year. The South Holland city will turn orange on Thursday, April 27, 2023. It’s also nice that Wim-Lex celebrates his tenth year as king this year and that in the city of 010. You don’t get more symbolic than that.
In Taiwan we celebrate this event with a nice drink on Saturday April 29 at 18.00. Just like the previous editions, Mojo1921 will turn completely Orange on that day, even the dessert with Orange sprinkles . All this, as you are used to from the VNT, beautifully arranged with the necessary snacks, drinks, topped with appropriate music for that day – lot’s of fun !!!
So Dutch, Belgians and all other sympathizers, put on your best orange outfit and come and party with us !!!
Registration (please state the number of persons) is possible from now on:
Best Regards.